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Mother Baby Bonding

Whether your goal is 1 week, 1 month or 1 year, a successful and rewarding breastfeeding journey is accompanied with support and resources. As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, I am here to support, educate and connect families to needed community resources. It is never black and white and knowing your choices to meet your feeding goals is key.


Once home, some may experience nursing difficulties in regards to sore nipples, inadequate feedings , bottle feeding a breastfed baby, pumping and more. Support looks different for everyone through all the stages of nourishing our babies and  I am available to come and access a feed and give the best guidance for your situation. Continuous phone and email support are included as needed. 

Returning back to work does not mean the end of the nursing relationship with your baby. As a family starts to transition into a time where the nursing parent will be away from baby, many try to find the balance needed to continue breastfeeding while pumping and storing at work.


This class will assist families to make a plan around the return back to work. We will discuss various pump types and all the possibilities around work and continuing to nurse. We will also discuss storing, handling pumped milk and feeding a breastfed baby a bottle.


Longer breastfeeding relationships

Lower chance of breastfeeding complications

Transition support at the end of your breastfeeding journey

 An interactive class, best to be attended during the prenatal phase by expecting families but can be attended in the early weeks after delivery to help breastfeeding get off to a good start.


Here we will discuss various nursing positions, correct latching, normal weight gain in a breastfed baby and how to determine if baby is getting enough. A great resource for expecting and new nursing mothers and doulas in need of breastfeeding knowledge.


©2016 Designed by Amanda Johnson

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